设置 #
运行以下设置单元以加载您的 API 密钥并建立 get_completion 辅助函数。
!pip install anthropic
# Import python's built-in regular expression library
import re
import anthropic
# Retrieve the API_KEY & MODEL_NAME variables from the IPython store
%store -r API_KEY
%store -r MODEL_NAME
client = anthropic.Anthropic(api_key=API_KEY)
def get_completion(prompt: str, system_prompt="", prefill=""):
message = client.messages.create(
{"role": "user", "content": prompt},
{"role": "assistant", "content": prefill}
return message.content[0].text
课程 #
向 Claude 举例说明您希望它如何表现(或不希望它如何表现),对于以下方面非常有效:
- 获得正确答案
- 以正确的格式获得答案
这种提示也称为“少量提示”。您可能还会遇到短语“零次提示”或“n 次提示”或“一次提示”。 “提示”的数量是指提示中使用了多少个示例。
示例 #
假设您是一名开发人员,试图构建一个可以回答孩子问题的“家长机器人”。 Claude 的默认回答非常正式且机械化。这会伤透孩子的心。
# Prompt
PROMPT = "Will Santa bring me presents on Christmas?"
# Print Claude's response
# Prompt
PROMPT = """Please complete the conversation by writing the next line, speaking as "A".
Q: Is the tooth fairy real?
A: Of course, sweetie. Wrap up your tooth and put it under your pillow tonight. There might be something waiting for you in the morning.
Q: Will Santa bring me presents on Christmas?"""
# Print Claude's response
在以下格式化示例中,我们可以逐步指导 Claude 完成一组格式化说明,了解如何提取姓名和职业,然后按照我们想要的方式对其进行格式化,或者我们可以只向 Claude 提供一些格式正确的示例,然后 Claude 可以从中推断。请注意助手中的 可以让 Claude 有个好的开始。
# Prompt template with a placeholder for the variable content
PROMPT = """Silvermist Hollow, a charming village, was home to an extraordinary group of individuals.
Among them was Dr. Liam Patel, a neurosurgeon who revolutionized surgical techniques at the regional medical center.
Olivia Chen was an innovative architect who transformed the village's landscape with her sustainable and breathtaking designs.
The local theater was graced by the enchanting symphonies of Ethan Kovacs, a professionally-trained musician and composer.
Isabella Torres, a self-taught chef with a passion for locally sourced ingredients, created a culinary sensation with her farm-to-table restaurant, which became a must-visit destination for food lovers.
These remarkable individuals, each with their distinct talents, contributed to the vibrant tapestry of life in Silvermist Hollow.
1. Dr. Liam Patel [NEUROSURGEON]
2. Olivia Chen [ARCHITECT]
4. Isabella Torres [CHEF]
At the heart of the town, Chef Oliver Hamilton has transformed the culinary scene with his farm-to-table restaurant, Green Plate. Oliver's dedication to sourcing local, organic ingredients has earned the establishment rave reviews from food critics and locals alike.
Just down the street, you'll find the Riverside Grove Library, where head librarian Elizabeth Chen has worked diligently to create a welcoming and inclusive space for all. Her efforts to expand the library's offerings and establish reading programs for children have had a significant impact on the town's literacy rates.
As you stroll through the charming town square, you'll be captivated by the beautiful murals adorning the walls. These masterpieces are the work of renowned artist, Isabella Torres, whose talent for capturing the essence of Riverside Grove has brought the town to life.
Riverside Grove's athletic achievements are also worth noting, thanks to former Olympic swimmer-turned-coach, Marcus Jenkins. Marcus has used his experience and passion to train the town's youth, leading the Riverside Grove Swim Team to several regional championships.
1. Oliver Hamilton [CHEF]
2. Elizabeth Chen [LIBRARIAN]
3. Isabella Torres [ARTIST]
4. Marcus Jenkins [COACH]
Oak Valley, a charming small town, is home to a remarkable trio of individuals whose skills and dedication have left a lasting impact on the community.
At the town's bustling farmer's market, you'll find Laura Simmons, a passionate organic farmer known for her delicious and sustainably grown produce. Her dedication to promoting healthy eating has inspired the town to embrace a more eco-conscious lifestyle.
In Oak Valley's community center, Kevin Alvarez, a skilled dance instructor, has brought the joy of movement to people of all ages. His inclusive dance classes have fostered a sense of unity and self-expression among residents, enriching the local arts scene.
Lastly, Rachel O'Connor, a tireless volunteer, dedicates her time to various charitable initiatives. Her commitment to improving the lives of others has been instrumental in creating a strong sense of community within Oak Valley.
Through their unique talents and unwavering dedication, Laura, Kevin, and Rachel have woven themselves into the fabric of Oak Valley, helping to create a vibrant and thriving small town."""
# Prefill for Claude's response
# Print Claude's response
print("--------------------------- Full prompt with variable substutions ---------------------------")
print("USER TURN:")
print("\nASSISTANT TURN:")
print("\n------------------------------------- Claude's response -------------------------------------")
print(get_completion(PROMPT, prefill=PREFILL))
练习 #
练习 7.1 – 通过示例进行电子邮件格式化 #
我们将重做练习 6.2,但这次,我们将编辑 PROMPT,使用“少量”电子邮件示例 + 适当的分类(和格式)让 Claude 输出正确的答案。我们希望 Claude 输出的最后一个字母是类别的字母。
如果您忘记了每封电子邮件的正确字母类别,请参阅 EMAILS 列表中每封电子邮件旁边的注释。
(A) 预售问题
(B) 破损或有缺陷的物品
(C) 账单问题
(D) 其他(请解释)
# Prompt template with a placeholder for the variable content
PROMPT = """Please classify this email as either green or blue: {email}"""
# Prefill for Claude's response
# Variable content stored as a list
"Hi -- My Mixmaster4000 is producing a strange noise when I operate it. It also smells a bit smoky and plasticky, like burning electronics. I need a replacement.", # (B) Broken or defective item
"Can I use my Mixmaster 4000 to mix paint, or is it only meant for mixing food?", # (A) Pre-sale question OR (D) Other (please explain)
"How did I get here I am not good with computer. Halp." # (D) Other (please explain)
# Correct categorizations stored as a list of lists to accommodate the possibility of multiple correct categorizations per email
# Iterate through list of emails
for i,email in enumerate(EMAILS):
# Substitute the email text into the email placeholder variable
formatted_prompt = PROMPT.format(email=email)
# Get Claude's response
response = get_completion(formatted_prompt, prefill=PREFILL)
# Grade Claude's response
grade = any([bool(re.search(ans, response[-1])) for ans in ANSWERS[i]])
# Print Claude's response
print("--------------------------- Full prompt with variable substutions ---------------------------")
print("USER TURN")
print("\n------------------------------------- Claude's response -------------------------------------")
print("\n------------------------------------------ GRADING ------------------------------------------")
print("This exercise has been correctly solved:", grade, "\n\n\n\n\n\n")
恭喜! #
示例操场 #
这是一个区域,您可以自由地尝试本课中显示的提示示例,并调整提示以查看它如何影响 Claude 的回答。
# Prompt
PROMPT = "Will Santa bring me presents on Christmas?"
# Print Claude's response
# Prompt
PROMPT = """Please complete the conversation by writing the next line, speaking as "A".
Q: Is the tooth fairy real?
A: Of course, sweetie. Wrap up your tooth and put it under your pillow tonight. There might be something waiting for you in the morning.
Q: Will Santa bring me presents on Christmas?"""
# Print Claude's response
# Prompt template with a placeholder for the variable content
PROMPT = """Silvermist Hollow, a charming village, was home to an extraordinary group of individuals.
Among them was Dr. Liam Patel, a neurosurgeon who revolutionized surgical techniques at the regional medical center.
Olivia Chen was an innovative architect who transformed the village's landscape with her sustainable and breathtaking designs.
The local theater was graced by the enchanting symphonies of Ethan Kovacs, a professionally-trained musician and composer.
Isabella Torres, a self-taught chef with a passion for locally sourced ingredients, created a culinary sensation with her farm-to-table restaurant, which became a must-visit destination for food lovers.
These remarkable individuals, each with their distinct talents, contributed to the vibrant tapestry of life in Silvermist Hollow.
1. Dr. Liam Patel [NEUROSURGEON]
2. Olivia Chen [ARCHITECT]
4. Isabella Torres [CHEF]
At the heart of the town, Chef Oliver Hamilton has transformed the culinary scene with his farm-to-table restaurant, Green Plate. Oliver's dedication to sourcing local, organic ingredients has earned the establishment rave reviews from food critics and locals alike.
Just down the street, you'll find the Riverside Grove Library, where head librarian Elizabeth Chen has worked diligently to create a welcoming and inclusive space for all. Her efforts to expand the library's offerings and establish reading programs for children have had a significant impact on the town's literacy rates.
As you stroll through the charming town square, you'll be captivated by the beautiful murals adorning the walls. These masterpieces are the work of renowned artist, Isabella Torres, whose talent for capturing the essence of Riverside Grove has brought the town to life.
Riverside Grove's athletic achievements are also worth noting, thanks to former Olympic swimmer-turned-coach, Marcus Jenkins. Marcus has used his experience and passion to train the town's youth, leading the Riverside Grove Swim Team to several regional championships.
1. Oliver Hamilton [CHEF]
2. Elizabeth Chen [LIBRARIAN]
3. Isabella Torres [ARTIST]
4. Marcus Jenkins [COACH]
Oak Valley, a charming small town, is home to a remarkable trio of individuals whose skills and dedication have left a lasting impact on the community.
At the town's bustling farmer's market, you'll find Laura Simmons, a passionate organic farmer known for her delicious and sustainably grown produce. Her dedication to promoting healthy eating has inspired the town to embrace a more eco-conscious lifestyle.
In Oak Valley's community center, Kevin Alvarez, a skilled dance instructor, has brought the joy of movement to people of all ages. His inclusive dance classes have fostered a sense of unity and self-expression among residents, enriching the local arts scene.
Lastly, Rachel O'Connor, a tireless volunteer, dedicates her time to various charitable initiatives. Her commitment to improving the lives of others has been instrumental in creating a strong sense of community within Oak Valley.
Through their unique talents and unwavering dedication, Laura, Kevin, and Rachel have woven themselves into the fabric of Oak Valley, helping to create a vibrant and thriving small town."""
# Prefill for Claude's response
# Print Claude's response
print("--------------------------- Full prompt with variable substutions ---------------------------")
print("USER TURN:")
print("\nASSISTANT TURN:")
print("\n------------------------------------- Claude's response -------------------------------------")
print(get_completion(PROMPT, prefill=PREFILL))